Psychoeducational Evaluations

Assessment Services: Psychoeducational Evaluations

Cute little girl is reading a book and showing thumb up sign, isSchool age children and young adults who experience attentional difficulties, learning challenges, low achievement, or trouble with adjustment to school frequently benefit from these evaluations.

In order to determine if someone has a learning disability psychoeducational assessment is necessary. This assessment compares a person’s intellectual potential, information processing, and developmental history with a person’s current academic achievement.

Our clinical Neuropsychologists are expert enough to carry out assessment and evaluation in a comprehensive manner at our centre in LA.

Contact Us Today About Our Psychoeducational Evaluations

Call or email us for more information or to make an appointment.

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WEST LA: 5700 Hannum Ave. Suite 250 Culver City, CA 90230
PASADENA: 30 N. Raymond Ave Suite #410-411 Pasadena CA, 91105