Accommodations Evaluations

Assessment Services: Accommodations Evaluations

If you or your child are transitioning to a new school or university or if you need an updated assessment to determine eligibility for accommodations for classroom based and standardized testing (e.g., SAT, GRE, LSAT, GMAT, MCAT) these evaluations are designed especially for your needs.

Testing accommodations are modifications made in the testing to prevent your or your child’s disability from interfering with their ability to demonstrate their true skill levels.

They can include:

  • Changes to the test such as multiple-choice rather than short answer, or a reduced number of test items.
  • Changes in the administration of the tests such as extended time, having items read using a text-reader, or having someone write your child’s answers as she says them aloud.

Contact Us Today About Our Accommodations Evaluations

Call or email us for more information or to make an appointment.

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WEST LA: 5700 Hannum Ave. Suite 250 Culver City, CA 90230
PASADENA: 30 N. Raymond Ave Suite #410-411 Pasadena CA, 91105